Thursday, April 5, 2012

Recommended reading: Planning for Big Data

Big data is one of the buzz phrases this year. If you’d like a quick and well written introduction to the subject, you’re lucky. O’Reilly recently released a free e-book on the subject: Planning for Big Data. A CIO’s Handbook to the Changing Data Landscape.

In 10 chapters and under 80 pages, the book introduces the concept of big data and the importance for today’s businesses, and that would include the world of education, research and libraries.

Chapter 3 introduces the (open source) software Hadoop that is at the core of many big data applications. Chapter 4 offers a survey of the market and its main players: EMC Greenplum, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle. Chapter 5 takes a closer look at Microsoft’s strategy in the area of big data.

Chapter 6 discusses the close relation between the cloud and big data and looks at platform solutions by Amazon, Google and, again, Microsoft. Chapter 7 discusses the rapidly developing market for data. Chapter 8 discusses NoSQL, the open source tool for analyzing large amount of unstructured, heterogeneous data.

Chapter 9 discusses visualization as a way of extracting meaning from data but only very superficially. Chapter 10 closes off the book with an outlook on the near future.

If you’d like to learn more about big data and got 90 minutes to spare, I can recommend this book.

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